13 Fun Facts About Owls
Following are some of the most intriguing and entertaining facts about owls, a unique species of birds. Gain knowledge regarding owl eyes, feet, noises, and other characteristics.
Not every owl hunts at night
Some owl facts may surprise you. In reality, some owls are early risers, waking before daybreak and again at twilight to hunt. Discover where birds sleep at night. When their favourite food, small animals and birds, are most abundant, great grey owls and northern pygmy-owls stay active during the day.
Owls may prey on other owls
Although they are birds of prey, owls are not necessarily the top predators. The great horned owl is the primary predator of the barred owl.
Owl feet are versatile
Owls are zygodactyl, that implies they have two pairs of toes on each foot that point in opposite directions. Even more amazing, one of the toes may rotate back and forth to assist them in perching or catching prey.
Owl eyes are uniquely designed
Although prominent yellow or black owl eyes appear spherical and somewhat humanlike, owl eyeballs are tube-shaped and cannot swivel in the socket. They also have three distinct types of eyelids to keep their eyes healthy and clean.
Owl necks are extremely flexible
Owls can twist their heads 270 degrees to compensate for their static eyes. They have twice the number of vertebrae in their neck as humans, as well as specific circulatory modifications to enable blood flow to the head when completely twisted.
Adult owls come in a variety of colors
Even within a single species, owls can be pale or black, or even have distinct colours. It’s particularly noticeable in eastern screech-owls, which have grey, red, or brown feathers within a wide range of colors.
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Owls have a place in history
One of our favorite fascinating facts about owls is that these cherished birds have played an important role in many cultures, along with the ancient Greeks. The goddess of knowledge and strategy, Athena, is frequently represented with an owl. Today, Mr. Owl uses his wits to figure out just how many licks it takes to reach to the centre of a Tootsie Pop, while Woodsy Owl advises never to be a dirty bird and to “Give a hoot, really shouldn’t pollute.”
Male and female owls are not quite the same size
Female owls are bigger than males including both wingspan and weight, however experts aren’t sure why.
Owls have the ability to hiss in defence
When an owl feels surrounded or threatened by its nest, it may hiss, fluff its face feathers, lift its wings, and fan out its tail feathers.
Pay close attention to various owl sounds
Although the great horned owl possesses the quiet, deep cry that several people associate with owl noises, not every member of the family can generate a classic owl hoot. Northern saw-whets, for example, are called for their distinctive cry, which sounds like a saw being sharpened on a whetstone.

Owl wings have an interesting design
Owls have enormously huge wings in comparison to their body size, allowing them to fly slowly and softly. The shape of the feathers also helps to disperse some of the noise produced by flapping.
One type of owl prefers to stay on the ground
Burrowing owls dwell subterranean in grasslands and deserts, not in trees. They live in burrows left behind because of animals like prairie dogs, tortoises, and skunks in colonies. They’ll spend the majority of their time near the ground, hunting and tending to the nest.
Owl ears can be found in two positions
Several owls possess asymmetric ears, usually with one ear elevated or lowering on its head—hidden behind layers of feathers to help them locate prey. Here’s a nice owl fact to share. The two huge feather tufts on the top of long-eared owls’ heads is nothing to do with their listening; experts believe they assist the bird blend in with its surroundings.